Saturday, January 31, 2009

Person of the Month: January

This thing was inspired by Bianca Gonzales' Person of the Year and Ate Daye gave me the idea to do the same thing.

It is hard for me to choose my Person of the Month because this is the first person to have special slot in my blog. So this person should be as special as the author. Hehe! So my choice for the Person for the Month of January is none other than my little Angel. Angel is with us since December of 2007. She added smile and joy to our family, especially to me as her mommy. Last January 11, she was christened and we were all happy for her. She enjoyed her day eating her favorite spaghetti and opening gifts from her godparents. She's my darling little Angel.
Here are my other reasons for choosing her.
-100 steps before I reach home, she will shout with excitement "Moommmyyy!" then will run to me and she will hug me so tight, kiss my hands and my lips afterwards, she will ask for pasalubong.
-Upon reaching home, she will look for my slippers and give it to me, and then will put my shoes in the rack.
-She is also sweet with our pets. She is not afraid to be gnawed. She will still caress them and kiss them.
-She sometimes acts and speaks like a mature person and it’s funny. Ex: (She will say, “Kuya Dong, wag na tayo away para lagi tayo masaya.” Sometimes she will be posing akimbo when a person she is talking to is not paying attention.)
-She will always tell me not to wrinkle my forehead. She will say, “Mommy, smile ka para walang guhit.”
-She embraces like she will never let you go.
-She kisses with sounds.
-She is very inquisitive. She will ask questions over and over again. When you get irritated, she will laugh at you.
-She doesn’t want your face covered with hair.
-She’s obedient. She always follows everything my mom and I say but not other people.
-She will tell you what happened to your favorite telenovela when you missed it.
-She entertains my visitors when nobody is around.
-She wants to be taken a picture and poses like a model.
-She will greet you ‘Good morning’ right after she opens her eyes after a sleep.
-She never forgets to say I love you Mommy every time I hug her and before she sleeps.

I have so many things to tell about my little Angel but blogosphere is not enough to express how much I love her.


ace gomez said...

ate nysa, kalbo na po uli aq..

hehehe..miss u..ingats lagi..

ace gomez said...

te nysa,

sama mo ako sa mgs links mo...heheh

Anonymous said...

Aaahhh...The joys of parenthood...Nai-inggit naman ako...Hehehe...